Welcome to Dr. Al-Sofiani Website

Dr. Al-Sofiani’s research team works on projects related to diabetes and cardiometabolic disorders.

We focus on:

  1. Studying the impact of advanced diabetes technology on patients’ health and well-being.This includes the use of insulin pumps, continuous glucose monitoring devices, and telehealth in the Middle East.

  2. Utilizing artificial intelligence to optimize diabetes care in the Middle East

  3. Identifying gaps in the care of people with diabetes in the Middle East

  4. Conducting studies to implement and test potential solutions for the current gaps in diabetes care

  5. Facilitating the utilization of diabetes digital tools to make diabetes care more efficient, accessible, safe, and cost-effective for all people with diabetes.

  6. Examining the racial differences in the incidence of cardiometabolic diseases between Arabs and other racial/ethnic groups.

  7. Developing a better understanding of the incidence rates, predictors, and determinants of diabetes and its complications in Arabs and how these factors may differ from those seen in other ethnic/racial groups